*SMK PARIWISATA ADIMULIA* has been continuously giving best education growth Internationally. Currently, we are looking for candidates to be
positioned in Batam
*Job Positions & Specific Requirements :*
- Physical Education Teacher | Guru Olahraga
- Hotel Teacher & Cathering | Guru Hotel & Tata Boga
*Requirements :*
1. Male/Female Max. 35 Years Old
2. Educational standart : degree (S1) / has Akta IV
3. Having 2 years teaching experience will be prioritised (Fresh Graduates are Welcome)
4. Have good communication skill and can interact well with leaders, other teachers and students
5. Have a commitment to develop and maitain good educational standart at school
send your best application
directly or email :
🏫Jl. Raja M. Saleh, Belian, Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29433
( MALL BOTANIA 2 Lt Dasar )
Email : smkadimulia@gmail.com
Phone: 0813 7292 6066 (WA)
*Job Positions & Specific Requirements :*
- Physical Education Teacher | Guru Olahraga
- Hotel Teacher & Cathering | Guru Hotel & Tata Boga
*Requirements :*
1. Male/Female Max. 35 Years Old
2. Educational standart : degree (S1) / has Akta IV
3. Having 2 years teaching experience will be prioritised (Fresh Graduates are Welcome)
4. Have good communication skill and can interact well with leaders, other teachers and students
5. Have a commitment to develop and maitain good educational standart at school
send your best application
directly or email :
🏫Jl. Raja M. Saleh, Belian, Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29433
( MALL BOTANIA 2 Lt Dasar )
Email : smkadimulia@gmail.com
Phone: 0813 7292 6066 (WA)
lowongan guru smk
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